Sunday, September 20, 2009

About bombshell!

bombshell is an experimental feminist zine, that at this point is in it's 'test-tube fetus' phase of life. I will begin by describing the thought-process that lead to the conception of this fetus. Ever since I learned about the existence of zines, I've been hankering to produce one myself. However, I didn't want it to be some fragmented collection of poems, quotes and images simply ejaculated into the zine-format with some clever name slapped on the front (I see this quite often). I needed a theme. Fortunately, my growing curiosity/passion for feminist thought crossed paths with my aimless desire to create a zine, and it was love at first sight; hence, the birth of this blog, which will hopefully, eventually, birth an actual physical zine.

As I now cease using love/sex/fetus/birth-related imagery to describe the conception (whoops) of bombshell, I'll explain the reason for the blog and what I want from you (gasp!). Get ready to digest a lot of lists. The idea is that every month or so (I'm thinking this will be loosely bimonthly), I'll post a prompt of some kind (could be an idea, quote, concept, image, word, phrase, passage, question, etc.) that will have to do with SOMETHING along the lines of feminism, sexism, classism, homophobia, or simply life as a girl in a patriarchal society, and you'll respond in some way, and then give me your response. You can be published under your name, under a pseudonym, or anonymously.* You can respond with ANYTHING AT ALL. It could be a short essay, a poem, an image, collage, drawing, quote, photography, personal experience, scathing tangent, fictional interview or story, ANYTHING. Creativity is welcome and encouraged. You can be as informal or formal, personal or general, raunchy or vanilla, detailed or simple as you want. The only restriction is that it needs to fit on a 5.5x9" piece of paper, and keep in mind that, at least for the first few issues (assuming we get past the first), it will probably end up in black or white. I'll be contributing as well myself. After I receive all the submissions, I will then compile, edit, publish, and distribute.

*A note on anonymity or pseudonymity: I will need to know who you are, because I'll need to contact you if I have any questions about editing. Otherwise, I'd be the only person to know who you are, if you so choose.

As my mind has exhausted itself for today on finally coming up with the concept for my first zine, hatching out the details and making this blog, I will post again within the next few days the first theme and deadline.


  1. 1. fucking rad
    2. i'm in
    3. classism not classicism. (i know classism shows up as a spelling error and classicism does not, but the computer is wrong.)

  2. I'm so so excited for this to take form.

  3. Thanks Ariel! My spell check was messing with my head.
